Free Books on Public Speaking

15+ Free Books on Public Speaking

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Speaking well in public requires that you possess polished public speaking skills, and you mainly gain these skills through seminars, mentorship, or even reading books. As someone who’s looking forward to physically engaging an audience while saving costs on books, we’ve provided you with a list of free books on public speaking to help you save some cash.

From books on body language to books on how to craft a memorable speech, these free resources will have you feeling confident and ready to take on any speaking engagement.

So, whether you’re a novice speaker or a seasoned pro, read on to discover the best free resources on public speaking.

Before we start discussing the various books on public speaking that you can access for free, it’s paramount that we first of all check out the importance of public speaking.

Free Books on Public Speaking

Table of Contents

Importance of Public Speaking

The following are some of the benefits of public speaking:

  • Public speaking can help you build your confidence
  • It enables you to communicate more effectively
  • Public speaking can help you build relationships
  • This skill can help you become a better leader
  • Public speaking can help you stand out from the crowd.

Public speaking can help you build your confidence

Public speaking helps build your confidence. It can be intimidating to stand in front of a group of people and speak.

But the more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll become. And as you get more comfortable, you’ll start to build up your confidence.

And when you’re confident, you’ll be able to speak more effectively. In addition, when you see that you’re able to speak in front of a group of people and get positive feedback, you’ll feel even more confident in your abilities.

It enables you to communicate more effectively

That’s a really important point. Public speaking is all about communication, and the better you are at it, the more effectively you’ll be able to get your message across.

In essence, good public speaking skills can help you build relationships and connect with people.

Public speaking can help you build relationships

When you’re able to speak confidently and clearly, people will be more likely to want to get to know you and build a relationship with you.

In addition, when you’re a good public speaker, people will be more likely to seek you out for advice or to learn from you.

And when you build relationships with people, you’ll have more opportunities to learn and grow yourself.

This skill can help you become a better leader

Being a good public speaker is just one part of being a good leader, but it’s an important part.

Leaders need to be able to motivate and inspire others, and public speaking is one of the best ways to do that.

A good leader is someone who can communicate their vision and goals, and get others on board with those goals.

Public speaking can help you stand out from the crowd

In today’s world, there’s a lot of competition, and it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. But if you’re a good public speaker, you’ll be able to make a lasting impression on people.

You’ll be able to get your message across clearly and memorably. And when people remember you, they’re more likely to want to work with you or do business with you.

List of 15+ Free Books on Public Speaking

Here are some of the books on public speaking that you can get for free:

  1. Lend Me Your Ears by Max Atkinson
  2. Speak and Grow Rich by Dottie Walters
  3. Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
  4. Called to Speak by Tony Campolo
  5. The Secrets of Power Presentations by Jerry Weissman
  6. Speak for a Living, by Richard Greene
  7. Presenting to Win by Jerry Weissman
  8. Persuasive Speaking by Marie H. Fortune
  9. The Eloquence Edge by Bert Decker
  10. Talking to Strangers, by Malcolm Gladwell
  11. The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
  12. Spin Selling by Neil Rackham
  13. The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die, by Brian Tracy
  14. How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
  15. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  16. You Can’t Lie to Me by Janine Driver
  17. How to Speak and Write Correctly, by Joseph Devlin.

Overview of the Free Public Speaking Books

Lend Me Your Ears by Max Atkinson

  • Year Published: 2004


The first on our list of free books on public speaking is Lend Me Your Ears by Max Atkinson. This is a classic book on public speaking that has been updated and revised over the years.

In this book, Atkinson covers the fundamentals of public speaking, including how to prepare for a speech, how to organize your thoughts, and how to deliver your message with confidence and clarity.

The book is full of practical advice and includes exercises and examples to help you improve your skills. It’s a great choice for anyone who wants to become a better public speaker.


Speak and Grow Rich by Dottie Walters

  • Year Published: 1997


Speak and Grow Rich by Dottie Walters is a book about how to use public speaking to grow your business, increase your income, and achieve success.

Walters draws on her own experience as a professional speaker to offer tips and advice on everything from developing a powerful message to creating a successful speaking business.

She also includes case studies and real-life examples to help readers put her advice into practice. Speak and Grow Rich is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to use public speaking to advance their career or achieve their goals.


Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

  • Year Published: 2007


This is one of the free books on public speaking that talks about how to make ideas stick, and how to make them memorable and persuasive.

The book is based on the Dans’ research into why some ideas are more successful than others. He further identifies six key principles that make ideas stick. They include simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, emotion, etc.

The book is full of examples and case studies to illustrate these principles.


Called to Speak by Tony Campolo

  • Year Published: 1991


Called to Speak is a book about using public speaking as a form of ministry. Campolo draws on his own experience as a preacher and evangelist to offer guidance and encouragement for those who want to use their speaking skills to share the gospel.

He covers everything, from choosing the right topics to developing a strong delivery style. This book is a great resource for anyone who wants to use their speaking abilities to serve God and make a difference in the world.


The Secrets of Power Presentations by Jerry Weissman

  • Year Published: 2011


In this book, Jerry Weissman outlines the techniques he’s used to help thousands of executives deliver powerful and persuasive presentations.

He covers everything from how to use body language to how to structure a presentation for maximum impact.

Weissman is a former Wall Street executive and speechwriter, and he brings his wealth of experience to this book.

When it comes to free books on public speaking, this book is a great place to start.


Speak for a Living, by Richard Greene

  • Year Published: 2005


Greene covers topics such as building your speaking resume, marketing yourself as a speaker, and increasing your fees.

He also offers advice on finding and working with a booking agent, and how to handle the business side of speaking.

Speak for a Living is a great resource for anyone who wants to make a living as a professional speaker.

Richard Greene is a veteran speaker and entrepreneur, and he’s passionate about helping others succeed in the speaking business.


Presenting to Win by Jerry Weissman

  • Year Published: 2003


This is another book by Jerry Weissman. The book provides. a step-by-step guide to delivering a winning presentation, as he covers everything from how to create a compelling opening to how to close with impact.

Throughout the book, he provides examples and case studies to illustrate his points. Jerry Weissman is a former Wall Street executive and speechwriter, and he brings his extensive experience to this book.


Persuasive Speaking by Marie H. Fortune

  • Year Published: 1915


Fortune covers the psychology of persuasion, the art of storytelling, and the power of body language. She also offers specific techniques for preparing and delivering a persuasive speech.

Fortune is a respected communication expert, and her book is based on years of research and experience.

If you’re looking for free books on public speaking, then this is a valuable resource.


The Eloquence Edge by Bert Decker

  • Year Published: 2008


In this book, Bert Decker provides a roadmap for becoming a better speaker and communicator. He focuses on the importance of authenticity, body language, and storytelling.

Decker also offers specific exercises and techniques for improving your vocal delivery, connecting with your audience, and handling difficult situations.

This book is a great choice for anyone who wants to improve their speaking skills, whether you’re giving a presentation at work or talking to your family and friends.


Talking to Strangers, by Malcolm Gladwell

  • Year Published: 2019


Gladwell explores how our assumptions and biases can lead us to misunderstand and misjudge others.

He also delves into the psychology of deception and lying, and how we can be more aware of these issues in our own lives.

This book is thought-provoking and insightful, and it’s sure to give you a new perspective on how we interact with others.

Gladwell is a well-known author and speaker, and his books have been bestsellers around the world.


The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White

  • Year Published: 1919


This is a classic writing guide that covers the basics of good writing, including grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

It also offers advice on choosing the right words, being concise, and avoiding common errors. The book is short and to the point, making it a great reference for any writer.

Even if you’re not writing for publication, this book can help you communicate more effectively. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills.


Spin Selling by Neil Rackham

  • Year Published: 1988


Another one on our list of free books on public speaking is Neil Rackham’s Spin Selling. It outlines a selling method based on years of research.

He identifies the four key elements of successful selling, which are situation, problem, implication, and need payoff.

Rackham also provides specific techniques for questioning and engaging your prospect, as well as closing the sale.


The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die, by Brian Tracy

  • Year Published: 2003


The secrets of this book are about discovering your purpose, taking action, managing your time, overcoming adversity, and staying motivated.

Tracy also provides practical tips and techniques for putting these secrets into practice. This book is a powerful guide for anyone who wants to live a more fulfilling life.

She is a well-known author and speaker on personal development, and his books have sold millions of copies worldwide.


How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

  • Year Published: 1936


Carnegie outlines six ways to make people like you, win people over to your way of thinking, and get people to do what you want.

He also offers insights on topics like being a good listener, handling criticism, and dealing with difficult people.

How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the most popular and influential self-help books of all time, and it has been a staple on many bestseller lists since its publication in 1936.


7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

  • Year Published: 1989


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is a seminal work on personal development.

Covey’s seven habits are based on principles of effectiveness, such as being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and putting first things first.

He also covers how to think win-win, seek to understand before being understood, and synergize with others.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has sold millions of copies and has been translated into dozens of languages.

Covey was a leading figure in the personal development field, and his work has influenced countless individuals and organizations


You Can’t Lie to Me by Janine Driver

  • Year Published: 2012


Driver outlines the signs of deception in words, voice, and body language, and she offers tips for reading people and assessing their truthfulness.

She also discusses the psychology of lying, including why people lie and how to deal with lying in relationships.

Driver is an expert in body language and deception detection, and her work has been featured on various television shows.


How to Speak and Write Correctly, by Joseph Devlin

  • Year Published: 1914


In this book, Devlin addresses the rules of language, from punctuation to sentence structure to usage.

He also discusses common errors and provides exercises to help readers improve their communication skills.

First published in 1914, this book has been in print for over a century and is still a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their grammar and communication skills.

Devlin was a well-known grammar expert in his day, and his work has influenced generations of writers and speakers.


FAQs on Free Books on Public Speaking

Where can I find free books on public speaking?

There are some places to find free books on public speaking. First, you can check your local library, as many libraries have a collection of public speaking books available for loan. You can also search for free ebooks on sites like Project Gutenberg or the Internet Archive. Additionally, you can find several free audiobooks on public speaking on sites like LibriVox.

Are there any free audiobooks on public speaking?

Yes, there are many free audiobooks on public speaking available for download. LibriVox is a great resource for finding free audiobooks, and it has several titles related to public speaking.

Are there any free ebooks on public speaking?

Yes, there are some free ebooks on public speaking available for download. Project Gutenberg has many public speaking titles available for free download.

How can I become more confident when speaking in public?

Confidence is key when it comes to public speaking, and there are several things you can do to improve your confidence. First, it's important to prepare well for your presentation. Take the time to practice and know your material inside and out.

Are there any free online courses on public speaking?

Yes, there are many free online courses on public speaking available through a variety of platforms. Coursera, edX, and Alison all offer free courses on public speaking that you can take at your own pace.


Free books on public speaking can be a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their public speaking skills.

These books cover a range of topics, from the basics of public speaking to more advanced techniques.

They are available in a variety of formats, including print, ebook, and audiobook. And, best of all, they are often available for free.

So whether you are a beginner or an experienced speaker, there is sure to be a book that can help you become more confident and effective when speaking in public.